Hello everyone, what a lovely day today is, don't you think? Well, we've been getting a lot of questions concerning why we came up with the name 'PAUShades', and what we're all about.
That's why we're here, to answer your questions and even tell you stuff you didn't ask to know.
Read further...
Yes you're asked,
PAU shades is the social and interactive body of students of the Pan Atlantic University in Nigeria.
The name was decided by a group of students, male and female of the university. PAU (Pan Atlantic Univetsity) is the name of the university and Shades came from the colours.
Our name basically came from the way a colour has different shades from lightest to darkest but remains the same colour. That's just how we are - different skin colour, different hair colour/length, different body size, different characters, different attitudes, and the list is endless but the main point is, we remain united (the same colour).
PAU Shades was created to share, interact and connect with every active person on the internet. To keep them up to date on our life in the Pan Atlantic University socially.
We expect to have a good relationship with people who connect and interact with us.
Our differences unite us.
Twitter: @PAUShades
Facebook: PAUShades
Google+: PAUShades
For any other thing you need to know, you can send us an email at paushades@gmail.com, leave a comment on this blog or post it to us via Twitter, facebook or Google+.
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